De ja vu All Over Again

This is the K Club in the beautiful Irish countryside about 20 miles from Dublin. I stayed there in 2012!

De ja vu All Over Again

I Samuel 26

This chapter is a de ja vu of chapter 24.  Saul once again pursues David in the wilderness even after acknowledging in chapter 24 that he was foolish and wicked to kill David, God’s future anointed king of Israel. Once again, God delivers Saul to David and David could have easily taken Saul’s life. But he didn’t. He says, “if God wants to take Saul’s life, then He will.”  But David is not going to do it apart from God directing him to do so.


When all else fails, take a tangent

I’ve read this chapter a couple of times and can’t really come up with a new insight. As a tangent, what I’ve found in these situations is if I keep writing (like now) then insights seem to emerge. For me, writing has been the power of gleaning more from God’s Word than formally when I just read and think about it. By just thinking about the passage at hand or mediating on it, I was subject to my A.D.D wandering mind. But forming the discipline of writing has multiplied the reinforcement of God’s principles in my mind and heart. It deepens it so that I find myself reflecting on these daily principles throughout the day. What a blessing! Taking the time to write was very difficult at first simply because of the extra time it takes and just the discipline of it all. But now it is a blessed “habit” that I really miss on the days I’m unable or don’t do it. Lord, I guess that’s all I’ve got today. You are a great and wonderful God. How wonderful to think about You throughout the day and allow these thoughts of You to effect how I live. May I obey much more often and allow You to do your work in me. Amen!