Forgetfulness or Disobedience?

Harvey devastated Houston. This pic is of my daughter Brooke, and her dear friend Kristi, heading out to do relief work.

Forgetfulness or Disobedience?

I Samuel 27 & 28

In chapter 27, God once again allows David the opportunity to kill Saul (as Saul continues to seek David’s life) but David refuses to do so. This time, Saul is asleep in camp surrounded by his men in a seemingly impregnable position. God causes all of Saul’s army to fall into a deep sleep and David tip-toes through camp and takes Saul’s spear that was stuck in the ground right next to him. David gets a safe distance away and yells back at Saul waking him up. Once again, Saul comes to his senses and realizes that God has anointed David. Saul blesses David. However, Saul always forgets about these experiences and allows his jealousy to reinvigorate his desire to kill David.

You are so good to me

After this experience in Chapter 27, David also forgets about the security of God’s anointing of his life and in fear, David goes to the Philistine King and seeks asylum for he and his men. Like David and Saul, why do I continue to do dumb things repeatedly in my life – often ignoring the promises, security and sovereignty of God?  Why? Nevertheless, day by day I am making some progress. Lord, Your Spirit and Your Word is at work in me and You promise it will bear fruit and by faith I trust You! By faith I cling to your promise. Despite my actions, Lord, you are patient, kind and gracious to me, just like you were with David. I am so grateful. Amen!