What is Your Purpose on Earth? Part 2
Luke 11:14-15
And Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, and news about Him spread through all the surrounding district. And He began teaching in their synagogues and was praised by all.
Why did Jesus come to earth?
I came that they might have life, and have it abundantly. John 10.10b
… the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a random for many. Matthew 20.28
I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. Luke 5.32
For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost. Luke 19.10
… Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners … I Timothy 1.15
Jesus kept it simple for us to understand His mission on earth. But how did He go about fulfilling His mission and how should we fulfill our mission on earth as well?
The Power of the Spirit: The Defining Mark of Jesus’ Ministry
His ministry was marked by the Power of the Spirit. What does that mean? We know it doesn’t mean that Jesus had more of the Spirit. He had all the Spirit He could have all the time.
Maybe what it means is that the Power of the Spirit is impacting the recipients of His ministry.
Here’s an example
I have a ministry of teaching God’s Word. I write and I speak. My mission is to encourage Christians to discover the beauty of spending daily time with God in His Word and in prayer. My hope is that people will be changed and God will be honored.
As I write and speak, I seek to be faithful and diligent and well prepared. I give time, effort and passion to my ministry. God blesses me and gives me joy in this ministry. It is hard work sometimes, but it’s not a drudgery.
So, I do my best to write clearly with insight and occasional wit. I edit accordingly and then prayerfully submit it to print/blog. But here’s the main point:
I am well aware that the breadth and depth of the impact of my ministry has little to do with me.
The impact of my service to God is not about how I market and promote my ministry; how clever my writing is or how good my stories might be. God reminds me often in various ways that I’m mediocre in my writing and speaking. What matters much more is my heart: do I minister and serve with humble diligence along with simple and sincere devotion to Christ?
If so, God often blesses such a heart with the power of His Spirit to influence others.
Sure, I often have doubts. Does my ministry really matter? I struggle with insecurities, doubt and feelings of ineffectiveness. But I can’t shake the sense that God wants me to keep doing what I’m doing. He tells me to leave the results to Him. They may be big or they may be small. It doesn’t matter because it is all HIS results and not mine.
What really matters is whether the Power of the Spirit is upon the recipients of my written or spoken words. I need to give my best to God in my ministry because it is my service of worship to Him. I give my best to Him and by the Power of the Spirit, He uses it as He sees fit to use it.
What About You?
What about your ministry? All of you are called to ministry. Your ministry could be described in two ways:
- You bless people with the good news of the gospel, with kindness and compassion and with works of service as you are going about your daily life. You care, you listen, you encourage, you confront and challenge, etc., as you go through life. This is LIFE Ministry.
- You follow a calling in a particular area of ministry for which God has gifted you. There is a structure to it. You have allocated specific times and duties to this ministry. Because God has gifted you in this ministry, you enjoy and receive blessings from doing it. This is your Ministry CALLING.
Both aspects of ministry are important. I believe you are most fulfilled in Your walk with God when you are involved in both. Daily time with God is the fuel for your efforts and passion in your ministry.
Do your best to be prepared; be prayerful and be available. Serve in ministry as worship to God. Give Him your best to make it your spiritual service of worship, (Romans 12.2). But the real impact comes when the Power of the Spirit is upon your ministry.
How do I get the Power of the Spirit in my ministry?
We’ll dig deeper next time.
Father God, Your Son served faithfully in ministry during His time on earth. May we follow His example. He gave, He loved, He served and He endured. Strengthen us to do the same.
May Your Spirit be upon us as we minister and give of ourselves in worship to You. And may Your Spirit multiple the effects of our ministries on others – in a way that is way beyond our meager strength and efforts. Amen!