The Prayer of Hannah

(Pictures from my ministry trips to Malawi, Africa)

I Samuel 2

Hannah is the real deal

At the end of chapter 1, once Samuel has been weaned, Hannah takes Samuel back to the priest, Eli, who thought she was drunk. Hannah said to Eli "for this boy I prayed, and the Lord has given me my petition which I asked of Him. So, I have also dedicated him to the Lord; as long as he lives he is dedicated to the Lord." Read more

I Samuel - Promise and Fulfillment

A monumental story of promise and fulfillment

I Samuel has three main characters; Samuel, Saul and David. These men, with all their various flaws (especially Saul and David), provide leadership to the nation of Israel as it goes from a loosely knit group of tribes to a United nation under a centralized monarchy. The key themes that will emerge areRead more