David Is On The Run!

Yes, a self-indulgent pic. Hole in one, May 2012, Marsh Landing Country Club, Ponte Vedra, FL

I Samuel 22

David is on the run!

We understand that there are parallel reasons why God is taking David through these trying times.  God is preparing, pruning and shaping David’s heart to make him a humble, God-fearing ruler of His people. He is also painting a prophetic picture of the Messiah, (Psalms 22). In the previous chapter, David fled to Nob and encountered the priest, Ahimelech. Ahimelech welcomed David having heard of his fame and favor with Saul (not knowing the truth). David lied to Ahimelech and told him he was on a mission for Saul. David’s lie was born out of fear and a lack of faith in God’s sovereignty. Lying always has a “sowing and reaping” effect. We tell lies to avoid danger or conflict; to influence or alter situations; to portray to others something is that it is not, etc.  Lying is manifestation of our deepest fears, insecurities, faithlessness and pride. Lying, deceiving, fibbing, and altering the truth in any way is mostly accepted today as ends justify the means, often even among Christians. But any form has insidious results that defy God’s sovereignty and diminish trust between people. Deception in any form diminishes relationships at all level; whether spouses, parents and children, family members and friends.

Break the grip of deception

You may recall that one of Saul’s soldiers, Doeg, the Edomite, saw David with the priest, Ahimelech. Doeg told Saul that he saw the priest give David provisions and the sword of Goliath. Saul’s fury burned deep. He called Ahimelech and all the priests of Nob before him and confronted him. Ahimelech was clueless as to what he did wrong and why it would anger Saul. The priests were under the impression that David was greatly favored by Saul. But Saul wouldn’t listen and he ordered that all the priests of Nob be killed. 85 of them were struck down that day by Doeg. Doeg then went to Nob (known as the city of priests) and struck down both men and women and children. A sad day. A massacre was born out of a lie of David that lit the fury of a selfish, faithless, wicked king. One of Ahimelech’s sons escaped and fled to David. David made many mistakes but he always took responsibility for his actions. In this case, he said to the son of Ahimelech, “I brought about the death of every person in your father’s household. Stay with me; do not be afraid, for he who seeks my life seeks your life, for you are safe with me,” v22,23. Lord, the very essence of a person of faith is sincerity; true in words and character, honest and authentically pure. Break the grip of deception in any form in my life. May I be faithful, true and honest in all situations, no matter how insignificant or how severe the consequences may seem. Amen.