Fancy Meeting You Here

This pic is after my first time ever Quail hunting with my dear friend, Doug Tatum. I have to apologize to my California friends; first for hunting (although I look forward to doing it again 🙂 and secondly, for celebrating the day by drinking a premium CA Cab in styrofoam cups. #redneck #forgivenessrocks

Fancy Meeting You Here 


Therefore, though I have enough confidence in Christ to order you to do what is proper, yet for love’s sake I rather appeal to you – since I am such a person as Paul, the aged, and now also a prisoner of Christ Jesus. I appeal to you for my child Onesimus, whom I have begotten in my imprisonment, who formerly was useless to you, but now is useful both to you and to me. I have sent him back to you in person, that is, sending my very heart, whom I wished to keep with me, so that on your behalf he might minister to me in my imprisonment for the gospel. Verses 8-13 

When I was about two years, while my family lived in Spokane, WA, the place of my birth, a fiery Baptist preacher knocked on our door. Back then, in the age of door-to-door salesmen, it wasn’t unusual for such a thing to happen. My parents, completely unchurched with no spiritual background whatsoever, welcomed him into their living room. The Pastor shared the gospel with them and they both received Christ that day. From that day forward, my parents were all in. We attended every service; Sunday school, Sunday service, morning and evening, plus Wednesday night service. Also, every potluck or special gathering to that took place in that little church. My parents were all in. I often thank God for the crazy Baptist preacher who knocked on our door and changed our lives forever. 

All IN

Philemon and his family were the kind to go all in as well. Here’s the story; while Paul was in the city of Colossae, preaching and establishing a church, Philemon, his wife Apphia and son Archippus became Christians. It appears they were of the kind that went all in. The church began to meet in Philemon’s house. Paul and Philemon formed a bond and close friendship.  

Philemon also had a slave, named Onesimus. Slaves were a huge population in the Roman Empire and a lynch-pin of society and the economic system of Rome. I don’t know all the details of the slavery system in Rome, but my understanding is that the abuses were not as brutal and pervasive as the stories we hear related to slave ships, etc. Nevertheless, even though slaves in Rome could buy and sell goods, get married and usually had room and board in good conditions, it was still a system were people were considered the property of another person. Such was the case of Onesimus and he wanted his freedom.  

It’s a small world 

He apparently stole some money and/or property from Philemon and ran away. He headed to Rome to hide on the streets among the masses. Somehow, in God’s providence, Onesimus encountered Paul while he was under house arrest in Rome. A real “small world” encounter. Perhaps Onesimus found a job serving food to prisoners or house-keeping and came into Paul’s proximity daily. As was Paul’s custom, he engaged with Onesimus and shared Christ with him. Onesimus became a Christian and the father-son bond in The Faith between the two began to grow and develop. They became close as Paul mentored and taught him God’s Word. Onesimus began to serve Paul and become useful and refreshing to him in his imprisonment.  


When did the awareness of their mutual knowledge of Philemon happened?  I’m not sure. But when the faith of Onesimus had grown strong, Paul advised him to go back to Philemon, submit to him as his slave and make things right. This was an ominous decision for Onesimus. Legally, masters had the right to inflict serious consequences for runaway slaves. He was not only a run-away, but also a thief. Most likely, since Onesimus lived in Philemon’s home, there was probably a certain closeness and personal trust that was broken, and it left a huge hole of betrayal in Philemon’s heart. Onesimus, by the grace of God and under the discipleship of Paul, was a completely transformed man.  

Paul wrote this personal letter to Philemon and had it delivered by Tychicus, along with the epistle to the Colossians and alongside Onesimus. Philemon was no doubt thrilled to see his spiritual brother Tychicus, excited to read the letters from Paul but utterly shocked to see Onesimus. Like all challenging and difficult situations, Philemon had the opportunity to face this unexpected scenario and respond with either grace and kindness or respond with defiance. Would Philemon respond in submission to God and forgive or would he cling to bitterness and exercise his rights? 

Let’s get personal 

We all know what Philemon should do. From a biblical standpoint, it’s pretty much a no-brainer. But then again, this is a story about someone else. We are discussing it as a third-party reader of the story. The real question is how are we going to respond today to others who wrong us? What are we going to do about the unforgiveness and revenge that we have in our hearts today over past offenses, big and small? Well, that’s pretty much a no-brainer as well, right? Well maybe. But it is personal, and it is hard to forgive.  

God, deal with our hearts today. You forgave us so much. Help us be like you and forgive as well. Amen.