
This is a prayer garden at a retail store in Blowing Rock, North Carolina.


2 Corinthians 5 

To say that this chapter is rich is an understatement. It is exceedingly, abundantly rich. Let’s start with the end of the chapter first and then go back.  

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the Old has passed away; behold new things have come,” verse 17 


Please remember, I want to be careful to NOT read an isolated verse and assume I know exactly what it means without considering the context. This verse certainly seems to be straightforward and has little need for a deeper exploration into context. It is probably one of the most quoted verses in the Bible. Most times it is probably quoted with good intentions in order to make a good point. But I prefer to be like the Berean’s who were commended in Acts 17…  

Now these (Christians from Berea), were more noble-minded than those in Thesalonica, for they received the Word with great eagerness, examining the scriptures daily to see whether these things were so.” 

What is the therefore there for? 

Additionally, note the first word of this verse in 2 Corinthians 5:17, “THEREFORE, if anyone is in Christ he is a new creature…” The therefore refers us back to the context. So, let’s do some exciting discovery work and look back. 

The thread running through this letter is the attacks of the false teachers now in Corinth and the heart-breaking concern that Paul has for his church members that have begun to follow them. By reading the chapter, it seems the false teachers are emphasizing the external, the temporal, the ‘here and now’ as an indication of Gods blessings. 

Give me a sign 

We see this practice now in different Christian circles. Simply, that a sign of God’s blessings are health, wealth and success. If a sign of God’s blessings are health, wealth and success, then Paul was in trouble. At least that’s the narrative of the false teachers in their attacks upon Paul.  Most likely these false teachers dressed well, spoke eloquently and had stature and admiration in the city. They were sought after guests by Oprah, Ellen, Jimmy Kimmel and The View. They spoke the language of Christianity but skillfully intermingled the views of worldly success.  

Your best life now??? 

While these false teachers spoke as such, the minds of the Corinthians went back to their time with Paul. His speech was plain, his message divisive, he had scars, bruises, crooked fingers, missing teeth from beatings, puss running out of his diseased eye — not exactly ‘blessed by God’. The false teachers spoke about having your best life now while Paul was living a seemingly cursed life now and speaking of the future. So, this chapter is about Paul defending himself against such attacks. More  tomorrow. 

How then should we live? 

Lord, we are called to love the people of this world while keeping ourselves unstained by the entrapments and enticements of this world. Not always easy to do. Help us nevertheless. It’s easy to pursue and ask You for comfort, happiness and security in this world. But it is ultimately empty apart from You and life in You! Above all things, may we live ‘in Christ’ as a new creature. Help us; guide us; lead us. Amen.