Now and Then

I’m at a Press Conference in Houston. The Houston mayor, Sylvester Turner, is to my immediate left, then Insperity CEO, Paul Sarvadi and my dear friend, JR Reale.

Now and Then 

John 8:1,2 

But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. Early in the morning He came again into the temple, and all the people were coming to Him; and He sat down and began to teach them. 

In the style of a rabbi, Jesus sat down to teach. The focus of the second half of His public ministry was to teach. He strategically performed certain miracles and made some appearances early in His ministry in order to establish His Deity; that He is God. But now He teaches. 

There were many that received him with anticipation and interest. But that is different than believing Him with saving faith. Blessed are those who “hear and believe” 

What an absolutely unique time in the history of the world.   

Jesus’ ministry was a brief 3 years in all of history. A time when the God of the universe, in the flesh, opened His mouth and taught. The listeners had no idea. I wish I could’ve been there (and known what I know now).  

Interesting that Jesus choose a period of time when no one could record Him. Today, everyone would be recording him on their iPhones and spreading the message via social media.  We would have archives of videos recorded…. but back then, there was only verbal messages passed on and some written scrolls.  

Back then, they had God in flesh teaching them in person. What a wonder.  “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God….and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us”, John 1:1,14.  

Jesus was the walking and living Word who sat down and taught.  

Are we better off today or would it have been better to hear Jesus live and in person 2000 years ago? 

The hearers at that time lived in a very special time when God walked the earth. But in many ways, we are more blessed. Today we have the complete written Word at our fingertips and the fullness of the Spirit of God to guide me.  

Consider this: I woke up this morning, I sat down in my office in my underwear and Jesus was here to teach me through His written, organized, systematic and complete Word of God. I also have the work of Godly men who have written about the Word. It provides me with insights to better understand God’s Word and apply it to my life. Additionally, His Spirit dwells within me 24/7 to guide me.  

I didn’t have to search for him, walk for miles, get there early, get a good seat, wait for hours and hope He shows up.   Yes, they lived in a special time, but they didn’t understand the significance until much later. Many missed it all together.  

But we live in a very special time as well. GOD’S Word (Jesus) and His Spirit are with me now to teach me, 24/7. I have the written Word near me always and, Jesus said “lo, I am with you always”.  

Jesus, I am so blessed. I am filled with gratitude. I am thankful. You have blessed me with every spiritual blessing and I never want to take that for granted.  May I respond to your blessings with faithfulness, diligence, a listening heart, studying at your feet, hearing and obeying. Amen!