Someone Special 

This is deep in the heart of the Texas hill country.  Welfare, Texas.

Someone Special 

2 Corinthians 2 continued 

There’s a wonderful couple verses here where Paul takes leave of the narrative (discussing the issues and challenges in Corinth) and recounts a special ” open door” of the gospel the Lord gave him while in Troas, v12. He pauses to thank and praise God;  

“But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place. For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing; to the one an aroma of death to death, to the other an aroma of life to life. AND WHO IS ADEQUATE FOR THESE THINGS?” Verses 14-16.  

A lot of this book is about the difficulty and pain of Paul’s ministry, both physically and mentally. But these few verses are a rich interlude of sweet inspiration and joy in the blessings of God. There is something unique and special about a truly Godly man or women who exude in their being the aroma of the Spirit of God. We all know such people and we all admire them. We all hope to be more like them. They speak the truth but always with grace and humility. They bring a sense of calm and confidence in all situations. When they say, “God is in this and He is in control,” our faith is bolstered, and we believe just a little more.  Even if we’ve been struggling with doubt and despair, their encouragement makes a difference.  They carry the “sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place,” verse 14. They “know” Him.  

To know Him or to really know Him 

Those of us who are saved know that point of salvation when we ‘came to our senses’ and received Christ. We entered into the knowledge of Him. God can use all of us from that time forward and He will in varying degrees. But in these verses, we’re referring to those who move deep into their knowledge of God. Not mysticism in any way but relational knowledge that comes from extensive time spent with God. Reading and meditating on His Word. Hours and hours of prayer that ranges from praise and worship to humble contrition to pleading and petition. Such a one prays continually as naturally as one breathes.  

I love that smell 

Lord, may we know you deeper and more fully. And may our love, knowledge and joy in You bless and minister to those around us. To those who are lost, may our words and our lives unsettle them to discontentment and point them to You. And to fellow believers, may we bless and encourage and bring hope. Paul says, “And who is adequate for these things?” verse 16. None of us are on our own.  Nevertheless, it is our calling; and God’s grace is sufficient. May we be a “sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place.” Amen.