The Wonder of God’s Blessings, Part 4
Psalm 87:7 God says to us: ‘All My springs of joy are in you.’
This is the fourth and final part of the series on Psalm 87:7. Click here to read the previous post.
Isaiah wrote, and you will be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water whose waters do not fail. 58:11
Jesus said, If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, from his innermost being will flow rivers of living water. John 7:37, 38.
I Thirst No More
We have been considering the amazing blessings of life and joy that God gives us in our lives. The metaphor that God uses to teach us this principle is that of water. Specifically, a spring of water or fountain that is within us and flows from us.
We are the recipients of His blessings! As such, we are sources of blessings that become dispensers of His blessings.
Making a Difference
When we bless others, does it really make a difference?
Tucked away deep in the book of Ezekiel is a description of the fountain that flows from the temple of God. Since we are also the temple of God, this description from Ezekiel is a metaphor for our lives.
For us as Christians, this fountain describes the far-reaching effects of our blessings as they are released by us into the lives of others.
The God Who Multiples
In Ezekiel 47, the prophet was given a vision of the Temple of God. And He said that water was flowing from under the threshold of the temple. Similar to what Jesus said to us; from [our] innermost being will flow rivers of living water, John 7:37, 38.
The living water within us is a blessing of life and joy to us… but it is not just for us! The metaphor describes the water as flowing from us (the temple) and giving life to others.
We are blessed so that we might bless others.
Let the water flow!
- Ezekiel describes the water flowing from the temple at first as a trickle. And behold, water was trickling from the south side, 47:2
- Ezekiel then goes out a thousand cubits and the water is now ankle deep. And he led me through the water, water reaching the ankles. 47:3
- Ezekiel goes out another thousand cubits and the water is knee-deep. And led me through the water, water reaching the knees. 47:4
- Ezekiel goes out another thousand cubits and the water was waist-deep. And led me through the water, water reaching the loins. 47:4
- Ezekiel goes out another thousand cubits and the water is deep enough to swim in. For the water had risen, enough water to swim in, 47:5. It was now a RIVER!
Ezekiel goes on to describe that all water life will flourish. Additionally, the fresh water will produce abundant trees, bearing fruit and lush greenery. So, everything will live where the river goes, 47:9.
In business, when a company grows and expands quickly, we say that it is scaling. In digital media, we say it is going viral.
When it comes to blessing others, our words and actions may begin like a simple trickle of water. But God will multiple our meager efforts and expand our blessings toward others into a flowing river. We may never see it and we may never realize it. But it is God’s work and He will bring it to pass as He sees fit.
He doesn’t tell us all that He is going to do when we release our blessings toward others. But His Word tells us Who He Is! And we know His attributes of power, love and abundance is enough. He will do mighty things!
Who is He? He is a God who multiplies our blessings: Grace upon grace upon grace. He is a God of perfect love and a God of absolute power and might. He is able and He will do wondrous things, far beyond our imagination.
If you have received Jesus and the fountain of His joy is within you, then today, allow the blessings of your life, through kind words and acts of service, to trickle from you in the simplest manner. Then, by faith, know that God will turn your simple acts of obedience into rivers of life for many.
Let the river flow!
Father, may we by faith speak words of blessings and life to others. May we by faith, serve and give to others without expectations of return. Forgive us for hoarding the amazing gift of salvation and grace for ourselves. In word and deed, bring to life Your blessings through us to others. Help us to be diligent and faithful, and we’ll leave the results to You. Amen!