
I mentioned our dear friends John and Tracey in yesterday’s picture. Here I am with their kids, Jake and Ally. We’ve known them since they were born. Now Ally is my height, and well, as you can see, Jake is just a little taller than me.

False religion

Revelation 17

This chapter gives insight into what is happening on earth during the judgements of God. Most likely this chapter isn’t chronological but takes us back to the first half of the tribulation. It provides context. The characters are the Scarlet woman and the beast or antichrist that we met chapters 12, 13. The scarlet woman seems to encompass Babylon, the city of false religion. Not an actual city, in this case, but the evolution of false religion at its apex of world dominance. It is the rise of the world religion that is fueled by immorality, blasphemy and hatred of Jesus. It results in the martyrdom of any who are faithful to the lamb, Jesus. The influences of the false religious system are seen in the first half of the tribulation.

Passing the baton

It’s all very frightening to think about. None of us like it. It’s all a little too close to home. Even today we are witnessing a world system that currently is increasingly anti-God and billions of people who fall under the influence of false religion and a pagan world-system that hates Christ and Christians. This woman (not sure it’s an actual person or representative of the world’s religion) is supported by all the kings and powers of the major countries if the world. Half way through the tribulation the beast takes the baton of leadership from the woman’s power by being fatally wounded and then coming back to life. Whereas the first of half of the tribulation is the dominance of the Babylonian-type world religion, the second half is dominated by the beast in a dictator-type of religion. Under the evil dictator, the beast, all are required to worship the beast or pay with one’s life.

Let not your heart be troubled

It’s an ugly time during the tribulation.  But we are reminded that Jesus triumphs in the end as the climatic event of the tribulation is the battle of Armageddon. Verse 14 says, “these will wage war against the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, because He is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those who are with Him are the called and chosen and faithful.”  How should we respond?  I’m reminded of my study of John earlier this year. When the disciples were frightened for the future, Jesus said to them, “do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God and believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many dwelling places…I go to prepare a place for you. ….I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may also be,” John 14:1-3.