Draw Near

My mom came for a visit last week!

2 Samuel 6, cont.

It seemed right to David to move the ark of the Covenant, the representation of the glory of God, from obscurity to the city of Jerusalem. The ark had been taken by the Philistines in battle after defeating the Israelites. This was a low point in Israel's history. The glory of God had departed. The Philistines eventually gave it back to Israel because of the death and disaster it caused among the Philistines wherever the ark resided. Saul took it back but left it alone and did not seek God. (If we could give Saul a middle name, it would be “did not seek God”).  David is now the anointed and recognized king of Israel and he was called to restore Israel to place of honor that glorifies the God of the nation. So, he and his chosen men go to fetch the ark.Read more

Handle with Care

In 1991 I took my First Pres, Macon, GA youth group to Jamaica to build a church way out in the jungle. Jamaica is a poor country. (Don't be fooled by the vacation resorts). But the Christian are warm and loving people. We stayed in the dormitory of school (see the pictures) and traveled each morning way back into the jungle. You may have to click on the "blog" link and scroll down to see the entire double picture.

2 Samuel 6

There are a couple of interesting events that take place in this chapter. Both of which, I admit, the meaning I'm not completely clear about. I don't write these devotions to tell you what I know and give the impression that I am a wonderful Bible scholar.  Instead, this is part of my journey to seek God's purposes in these passages. I try not to skip over the passages that aren't clear to me. The struggle is part of my discovery and growth. Hopefully you are willing to do the same in your Bible study. Read more

My Boring Day

Here's a couple of future PGA touring Pros (Nate and Ryker) soaking in the Texas Hill Country view!!!

2 Samuel 3Read more

The Competing King

 Beri and Ryker! Howdy partner!

2 Samuel 2

We went through 1 Samuel late last year. Now I am back digging into the continuation of the narrative surrounding David's life. Saul is dead but the warfare, bloodshed, and political intrigue continues. Why do men contend against each other? Read more

There's a New King in Town!

This is July, 1997 at the Oakland A's gala for Special Olympics. We were guests of Buddy Groom, Oakland A's pitcher and his wife Angela, former Dallas Cowboy's cheerleader. Then there was just plain Leigh and I hangin' with the athletes and stars. Buddy and Angela are wonderful Christian couple from Waxahachie, TX.

2 Samuel 1

First Samuel ended with Saul's sons being slain by the Philistines, including the beloved Jonathan. Saul was trapped in battle and fell on his sword before the Philistines reached him. Saul is dead. The end of a tragic life! Saul’s life was a life of potential; a life of opportunity; a life unfulfilled. Read more