The Great Debate

 This pic is from our Rehearsal Dinner, August 6, 1982!

Habakkuk 1

After a brief introduction, Habakkuk gets right to the point. The introduction states this writing is an oracle; a weighty judgement, an announcement of God’s wrath against sin. This is a reality of a God that I acknowledge as true, but I don’t like to dwell on it. However, dealing with the verses before me in Habakkuk, well, it’s in my face and I can’t avoid it. Also, Habakkuk describes this oracle as something He saw. He is conveying, I suppose, a vision he had, and it was disturbing, to say the least.Read more


This is a pic of me, Jeff (far left), Amy (far right) and Sharon. Studying in the library at Pacific Christian College, Fullerton, CA, 1979. Amy is a faithful follower of this blog!

Let's do one more book in the OT

I used to avoid the Old Testament and stick with the New. Now I find myself being pulled to stay in the Old Testament. Habakkuk was quoted in a sermon I heard recently so I’ve been thinking about the message of this minor prophet lately. As I was skimming over it this morning, I realized it’s the perfect contrast to Esther. In Esther, everything turns out right for Esther and Mordecai. In Habakkuk, everything goes wrong. Who can understand God’s ways?Read more