What is Your Purpose on Earth? Part 3
Luke 4:14
And Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, and news about Him spread through all the surrounding district.
… but wait for what the Father promised, ‘which,’ He said, ‘you heard from Me; for John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now. Acts 1.4,5
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses… Acts 1.8
The Power of the Spirit in Ministry
As Jesus entered public ministry, Luke made it very clear that the power of the Holy Spirit was upon Jesus’ ministry. He fulfilled His purpose on earth and the Holy Spirit produced the results of His ministry according to God’s purposes.
When Jesus departed the earth, He pledged to the apostles and early Christians that they would have the same power: The Holy Spirit would cover them. As a result, they would minister with boldness and power and God would produce the results according to His purpose.
Through the power of the Spirit, the Lord was adding to their number day by day those were being saved. Acts 2.47
Jesus set a pattern for us to follow. Surrender your ministry and service to God and ask the Spirit of God to produce results. It doesn’t matter if you are teaching children in Sunday School, serving lunch to the homeless, working as a greeter at your church, or preaching to thousands. Ask that the power of the Spirit, through your service to God, produce results.
The Power of the Spirit in YOUR Ministry!
We are all called to minister and serve in the name of the Lord. What is your ministry?
Last time, I introduced two ways in which you can serve and minister:
- You bless people with the good news of the gospel, with kindness and compassion and with works of service as you are going about your daily life. You care, you listen, you encourage, you confront and challenge, etc., as you go through life. This is LIFE Ministry.
- You follow a calling in a particular area of ministry for which God has gifted you. There is structure to it. You have allocated specific times and duties to this ministry. Because God has gifted you in this ministry, you enjoy and receive blessings from doing it. This is your Ministry CALLING
If I can do it, anyone can do it!
About four years ago, under the mentorship of my pastor, I began spending extended time with God in His Word and prayer daily: Reading, Reflecting and Writing. This daily time with God fueled my Life Ministry, as described above. My kindness and compassion for people grew. I was more aware and sensitive to daily opportunities to serve others. My Life Ministry grew.
But I didn’t have a specific Ministry Calling that I was involved with and devoted to. Once again, my pastor mentored me in this area. He preached a sermon on Personal Ministry that pierced my soul and convicted me, head to toe.
I evaluated my ministry passions and my gifting. I consulted with my wife and other accountability friends in my life. I determined I loved to study the Bible, to write and to teach. So, I began small by sending out emails summarizing my daily time with God in His Word to family and a few friends. As time passed, I felt led by God and encouraged by others to expand my ministry reach one step at a time.
What about you?
My encouragement to you is to:
- Spend daily time with God. This is your fuel for living a life of worship toward God and service to others.
- As you go through your day, look for opportunities to serve others through word and deed. Practice the presence of Jesus and He will direct your steps. This is your Life Ministry.
- Evaluate your ministry passions and gifting. Consult with those close to you who will pray and support you in this journey. Determine your gifting and calling and begin serving in a focused area of ministry. Start small and let it grow as God leads you. This is your Ministry Calling.
Father, You have given Your Spirit to cover our ministries and produce the results that You chose to accomplish through us. What do you require of us? Your Word tells us that we should do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with our God. We cannot manufacture the power of Your Spirit. It is Your work to cover us with Your Spirit. We know that You often chose to cover us when we are walking humbly with You. Help us Lord to walk humbly with You as we live and serve, to Your glory and for Your honor. Amen!